Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Books for Anxiety and Depression | 2018

Hey loves!

I have suffered with anxiety and depression in stages pretty much throughout my life, it being especially bad in 2017 so I thought I would share with you some of my favourite books that I have read that I feel have really helped me gather a better understanding of myself.

Hardcore Self Help: F**k Anxiety - Robert Duff
I have to mention this book because honestly out of all the books I'm going to mention this was definitely one of the most helpful. It's straight to the point but theres humour to it and it's not quite as serious reading as some other self help books. It's great that the author has experienced problems for himself instead of it just being from a totally medical point of view. I feel like I can relate to so many things that are spoken about in this book and I really enjoyed reading it and learning new ways to deal with the issues I was going through. I wish this book was longer but other than that it's great!

Where To Find
£7.75 from Amazon

Hardcore Self Help: F**k Depression - Robert Duff
This is a follow up to the book I mentioned above and I think it's great, I find that anxiety and depression can sometimes go hand in hand and I loved the other book that this author wrote so I knew I wouldn't be disappointed when I picked this up. It has a very similar style to his other book which is that the book gives you tips and facts whilst also keeping it pretty light reading. I felt like I could connect with what he was saying but at the same time I could laugh a little. The book has great information in it and I feel like it would be a great read if you felt like no one around you understands you.

Where To Find
£8.28 from Amazon

You Are A Badass - Jen Sincero
This is one of my most recent self help book purchases and I haven't quite finished the book yet but I have been really enjoying it and finding it helpful. It's less about anxiety and depression and more about how to kick your life in to gear so that you can live a better more fulfilling life. The author has great humour and I'm finding it to be a easy reader which I look forward to picking up and reading every night before I go to bed. This book helps give me motivation to go after the things I want in life. It's basically about learning how awesome you are as a person.

Where To Find
£6.98 from Amazon

The Untethered Soul - Michael A Singer
This book is definitely more of a read and if you aren't taking the time to appreciate what you are reading then you might find this book a bit hard to get really in to. Again this isn't necessarily aimed at people that might suffer from anxiety and depression but it helps you to understand your mind better and help you make your everyday life better. It gives great pointers about things you can do to help you understand your mind. Like I said this is a bit of a heavy read but it's definitely an eye opener.

Where To Find
£9.54 - Amazon

Declutter Your Mind - S.J.Scott & Barrie Davenport
This book focuses on how we can end up literally cluttering our minds with some things that we really don't need to. It offers great advice on how you can get rid of the things out of your mind which will help with anxiety. I think a lot of us can struggle with negative thoughts and it can end up floating around in your mind and this is where this book helps. It teaches you the importance of looking around the future and yourself now instead of focusing on so many things that are in the past.

Where To Find
£8.99 from Amazon

Anxiety: Panicking About Panic - Joshua Fletcher
This is a great book to help with anxiety because the author again has actually experienced anxiety for themselves so they know all about the symptoms and issues that people go through. When the book would go through different symptoms I felt that I could really connect with some of the things mentioned simply because I had felt like that before. It helps to go through why certain things happen within our minds and bodies and it helps to make me feel at ease with everything. Like I had realised why I was feeling like this and that doing things that are mentioned in this book would help me!

Where To Find
£8.77 from Amazon

Thanks for taking the time to read;
- AmberBentleyy'xo

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