Monday, 1 January 2018

My New Year Resolutions | 2018

Hey loves

Hope you all have a had a good Christmas and that you are looking forward to the New Year. I've never really been one to make New Year's resolutions but after the year I've had I've decided it might be kind of fun!

1. Try to become more positive;
- I've spent a lot of 2017 being pretty negative and I'm over it! So I am going to start the New Year appreciating what I've got and how lucky I am and I'm going to try and stay positive. I've read some things that say it's good for you to take some time out of your day to reflect things and that is exactly what I'm going to try and do, and I'm also going to smile more.

2. Read;
- I have always enjoyed reading but I find myself telling myself that I don't have the time. It's like theres always something going on and by the time I get in to bed I'm usually pretty tired but for 2018 I am going to try and make sure I make an effort to read more. I love educating myself and reading is a great way to learn new things.

3. Save;
- In 2018 I am going to try my best to actually properly save money. I am hoping to move out at some point in my life since I am currently living with my mum but I would love to at some point own my own house and be more independent.

4. Spend more time doing the things I enjoy;
- This year has been pretty busy for me and I haven't always been able to find the time to do the things that I enjoy so for 2018 I am going to invest more time in those things. The past year I've found out that I really enjoying writing blogging and making Youtube videos so I'm hoping to learn and improve on those. I enjoy making things as well and I hope I can start a little business or something!

5. Exercise more and eat healthy;
- I feel like I try to do this one every year but I am seriously going to try, for starters I think I could do with losing a few pounds and toning up a bit and if I'm being totally honest my diet isn't always that great so I want to make sure I treat my body right and that it can get all the things that it needs. I also hope doing this will help with my anxiety and depression.

6. Do my bit;
- I really want to volunteer somewhere and give something back and just generally help someone out.

7. Get rid of my fears;
- I want to do things that scare me and just live life basically, I'm basically a home body, like I'm never happier than when I am at home with my family and pets but I do want to get out and do some things that I wouldn't usually do!

That's all I've got for now and I wonder how well I will keep to these! Maybe I'll even make a follow up towards the end of the year? Or maybe if it's bad we just won't mention anything and pretend I never wrote this lol! What are your New Year Resolutions?

Thanks for taking the time to read;
- AmberBentleyy'xo

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